Larabanga Mosque

Just outside Mole National Park is the village of Larabanga. The village mosque is a large, beautiful adobe structure, first built in the 13th century. It is still used daily for prayers and worship. You can read more about this ancient mosque in Armstong's July Update.

This page is some additional pictures of the Larabanga Mosque.

Larabanga Mosque
On a clear day, the large white building is visible
from the guest quarters in Mole National Park.

Larabanga Mosque Larabanga Mosque
The architecture and construction of the
mosque offer a tantalizing glimpse into
the culture and civilization of the 1400's.
The mosque has a men's entrance.
Elder Anderson is with the self-
appointed guides.

Larabanga Mosque Larabanga Mosque
There are also a women's entrance... ...and another entrance.
Perhaps it is for the Imam.

PA System
Upgrades include a modern PA system
for daily calls to prayer.

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